Black Diamond Sponsor
SNöFLINGA, Montana’s winter festival, is a FREE community-sponsored festival showcasing the fun side of winter. Located in Butte, January 19th, 20th, 21st, 2024. SNöFLINGA is available to people of all ages. Have you ever wanted to ride your bike in the snow? Or curl like an Olympian? You can learn and participate in several winter activities throughout the weekend. All of our activities are designed to be fun. Winter is the longest season in Montana so why not find as many ways as possible to enjoy it?
Black Diamond Sponsor
Black Diamond Sponsor
Blue Square Sponsor
Blue Square Sponsor
Blue Square Sponsor
Blue Square Sponsor
Bunny Hill Sponsor
Green Circle Sponsor
Green Circle Sponsor
Bunny Hill Sponsor
Green Circle Sponsor
Green Circle Sponsor
Green Circle Sponsor
Green Circle Sponsor
Green Circle Sponsor
Green Circle Sponsor
Bunny Hill Sponsor
Bunny Hill Sponsor